Mostafa Mohamed Saad, Legal Counsel at Abulhameed Al -Sarraf & Partners Law Firm, International Division — in an interview with the Arab Times — explains in great detail the new labor law, and how the amended rules benefit employees, and work to the advantage of the nation’s economy. He makes a strong case for the new labor law and rather emphatically proves that it is a big leap in the…
Abdulhameed Al-Sarraf & Partners Law Firm has a world wide reputation and reach representing clients from, and maintaining strategic relationships with, other law leading law firms in the United States, the United Kingdom and throughout Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, South America and the Pacific Rim. The scope of our practice is extensive and diverse. We respond fully to our clients' needs in commercial, litigation and personal legal…
Al-Sarraf Law Firm advises on US$ 431 Million equity subscription Al-Sarraf Law Firm has recently acted as lead counsel to KES Power Limited (“KES Power”) and its shareholders, Saudi Arabia’s Al Jomaih Group and Kuwait’s National Industries Group Holding in a multi-jurisdictional transaction for the subscription by Dubai’s Abraaj Capital for equity in KES Power that will lead to Abraaj Capital holding 50% of KES Power. As lead counsel, Al-Sarraf Law…
The law firm of Abdulhameed Al Sarraf & Partners was established 1977 in the State of Kuwait. Throughout its history the Al Sarraf firm has grown to become Kuwait's foremost law firm. We have achieved a distinguished record of success in our trial practice before the Kuwaiti courts and earned recognition for our ability to interpret and utilize Kuwaiti law and the law of civil code and common law jurisdictions.…
Al-Sarraf Law Firm acts as Kuwait counsel in relation to a US$125 Million Syndicated Ijarah Facility Al-Sarraf Law Firm acted as Kuwait legal counsel in relation to a US$125 Million Syndicated Ijarah Facility made between the Lead Arrangers (Liquidity Management House, Kuwait Finance House, BNP Paribas, Gatehouse Bank, Ahli United Bank B.S.C and Boubyan Bank K.S.C), other financiers and Burgan Company for Well Drilling Trading and Maintenance (“Burgan”).This Syndicated…
Al-Sarraf Law Firm assists National Bank of Kuwait in the US$1.2 Billion sale and purchase of share capital of Iraqna Company Al-Sarraf Law Firm acted as Kuwait legal advisors to National Bank of Kuwait SAK (NBK), the Purchase Agent with respect to the sale and purchase of the entire issued share capital of Iraqna Company for Mobile Phone Services Ltd. (a subsidiary of Orascom Telecom Iraq Corp. Limited and Orascom Telecom…
Al-Sarraf Law Firm assits major international bank in obtaining a license to incorporate an investment company Al-Sarraf Law Firm acted as sole legal counsel to a major international bank in successfully obtaining a license to incorporate an investment company in Kuwait. Al-Sarraf Law Firm assisted in making the application to the Kuwait Foreign Investment Bureau and obtaining the relevant exemptions under the Foreign Capital Investment Laws. This is the first investment company…
Al-Sarraf Law Firm assists in the restructuring of Global Investment House Al-Sarraf Law Firm is currently acting as the Kuwaiti counsel to Global Investment House (Global), one of Kuwait’s largest investment houses, and its financial advisors (HSBC) in the restructuring of Global’s debts. Al-Sarraf Law Firm’s role includes reviewing strategies, conducting due diligence, and drafting financial documentation in addition to providing Kuwaiti law advice relating to the restructuring.
Al-Sarraf Law Firm retained as Kuwaiti Legal Counsel to Liquidity Management House Al-Sarraf Law Firm has been recently retained by Liquidity Management House for Investment Company K.S.C (C) (“Liquidity House”) to act as its Kuwaiti legal counsel. Liquidity House is a Kuwaiti Shari’ah compliant investment company established in December 2007 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kuwait Finance House S.A.K. that aims to be a principal player in the international…
Al-Sarraf Law Firm recommended as the leading law firm by PLC. The 2009 edition of Practical Law Companys (PLC) Which Lawyer has selected Al-Sarraf Law Firm as the leading corporate and commercial law firm in Kuwait.PLC is the leading provider of legal know-how, transactional analysis and market intelligence for lawyers with offices in London and New York. PLC works closely with law firms and in-house law departments to provide…
Al-Sarraf Law Firm assists Mobile Telecommunications Company K.S.C. (Zain) Al-Sarraf Law Firm recently assisted Mobile Telecommunications Company K.S.C. (Zain), Kuwait’s largest mobile phone operator, in respect to the US$4 Billion acquisition by Zain of a 56.3 percent stake in Palestine Telecommunication Co. (PalTel) by way of a share swap transaction. This acquisition provides Zain with a majority control in PalTel.
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Mostafa Mohamed Saad, Legal Counsel at Abulhameed Al -Sarraf & Partners Law Firm