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Lawyer/ Abdulhameed Al-Sarraf

Nationality: Kuwaiti

Qualification: Faculty of Law Degree License at Kuwait University, 1973

Professional and Working Experience:

·         He was selected as an advocate for Kuwait credit & savings bank. Then he became head of the faculty of law in the Kuwait Real Investment Company 1974-1977.

·         Founded his own legal office, Abdulhameed Al-Sarraf and Partners Law Firm, in 1977

·         In addition to the success on a national level, Lawyer Abdulhameed Al-Sarraf through his law firm collaborated with other leading legal institutions in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and the United States of America

·         Abdulhameed Al-Sarraf and Partners Law Firm is ranked as one of the biggest leading firms in Kuwait and the Middle East having received the certificate of Global Chambers & Legal 500

·         In 2007 and 2009, International Financial Law Review granted him the prize of the best law firm in the State of Kuwait

·         Member of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development in the State of Kuwait

·         Member of the Committee for Developing Investment laws in the Arab region

·         Secretary General of the Kuwaiti-American friendship committee headed by his Highness the Amir of Kuwait

·         Legal advisor of his Highness the Emir Sheikh Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Salim Al-Sabah

·         Member of  the Administrative Council of Arbitration for Arab Countries

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